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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sign the APD petition to get changes to made to this tax that increases the cost of flights from Wales.

Airline Passenger duty (or APD) is a tax that is added to the price of your ticket.

APD was introduced 20 years ago. Initially it was £5 for European Flights and £10 for longer haul. But it has relentlessly increased so much so that it is £13 for short haul flights of up to 2000 miles, covering all of Europe plus Turkey and North Africa. A large majority of families pay this rate. On trips of 2000 miles and above it rises steeply to £71.

Recent changes have meant that under 16s are exempt if they travel economy class.

We want to see the responsibility for this Tax devolved to Wales. If it were devolved to Wales (and hopefully abolished) fares from Welsh Airports would reduce. It is the airlines that set the fares but they have no choice regards the APD element.

If it was devolved to a confident and commercially savvy Welsh Assembly we could see fares coming down dramatically from Welsh Airports. In a stroke this would eliminate the cost prohibitive differential pricing which is one of the reasons that Welsh Passengers are using Bristol and other English Airports. Devolving and abolishing APD could be a real game changer for Welsh Airports and a big bonus for Welsh travellers. Additionally Welsh travellers would reduce their carbon footprint by no longer having to travel to Bristol and beyond for some flights.

 We support and have joined the campaign at www.apd4wales.uk


And ………..

 would urge YOU to sign the petition below to bring about change. 

Our Target is to get 10,000 signatures as this would trigger the need for the UK Government to respond.


Useful links

·         Email: support@apd4wales.uk

·         Twitter: https://twitter.com/Devolving_APD

·         Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APD4Wales/

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